Best Places to Watch The Fourth of July Fireworks in Southern Delaware

On a clear night during the Fourth of July Celebrations, you might get lucky and be able to watch a multitude of displays from one perfectly placed perch. Or this year, spread out your fireworks viewing over a couple nights by visiting two different Delaware beach towns!


This year, the town of Lewes will cap off a day long Old Fashioned Independence Day celebration on July 4
, with fireworks at dusk. They will launch from a barge off of the beach so the best viewing is from the beach. The Go Fourth Committee strongly advises that you arrive early and stay late so as to avoid traffic and congestion. You’ll be able to see the fireworks from any higher point in town, all the way up to Pilottown Road and down into the Cape Henelopen State Park .


The day before the Fourth of July, come into Rehoboth early and set up a spot on the beach. Or use the buses and park out on Route One to avoid the traffic jam. The Rehoboth fireworks can be seen from Cape Henelopen down into Dewey and sometimes even farther. Always a crowd pleaser and definitely worth the traffic!


The next night, travel just a little farther down Route One and enjoy the Dewey Beach Fourth of July Fireworks on the Fourth of July.

The fireworks are launched on the Bayside in front of Northbeach from a barge. They should be visible up and down the Dewey Beach Bayside. Take the Jolley Trolley over from Rehoboth and spend the evening enjoying Dewey!


Also hosting fireworks on the actual 4th of July is Bethany Beach. They’re celebrating 35 years of their Independence Day parade as well. Fireworks commence at dusk from a barge off the beach. 


Why, you may ask, are we including Cape May in the round up? Because they too will host their fireworks on the Fourth of July. 

This means that if you find yourself sitting beach side on the Northern end of Dewey Beach, you’ll be able to see 4 different sets of fireworks! Lewes, Bethany, Dewey and even Cape May, if the night is clear! The Best spot to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July this year is oceanside in Dewey, between Silver Lake and Bellevue st.