With summer sadly coming to an end and fall just around the corner, the pumpkin spice lovers of the world are itching to decorate their front porches! When it comes to fall we all typically think of warm colors and the leaves turning. But decorating your porch with all of the designs you see on Pinterest can be overwhelming. So we wanted to help you filter your imagination and make sure your porch looks great all fall! Many Insight Homes have the perfect size porches for you to decorate for every season. Some of these houses include The Vandelay, The Cartwright, The Whatley, The Brenner, The Frank and The Peterman! Make sure to visit them all this fall to get some porch decor inspiration! Here are some ways to make your porch stand out amongst the community… Wreaths Pumpkins Everyone loves pumpkins! If there is one thing that screams fall, a pumpkin is it. Whether you like to carve pumpkins for Halloween, or keep them plain they are a great fall edition for your porch. You can often find pumpkins of all different colors to go with whatever color scheme you choose! Another great way to greet your guests is with a decorative doormat. Making your own with paint and stencils is a fun and affordable way to get ready for fall. You can add whatever designs you want to make it as eye-catching or simple as you like! Perfect for enjoying a nice cup of coffee and watching the sun go down, porch seating is essential. Pillows can add an extra hint of comfort and cozy feeling to your porch. The Vandelay from Insight is perfect for a porch swing, our model at Woodridge showcases one. Wreaths are one of the first things your guests will see and make for a warm welcome. There are so many options when it comes to picking the right wreath for your home! You can add a pop of color with some leaves, or keep it simple with some faux grass.
Painted Welcome Mats
Throw pillows for your porch swings and rockers