Get Your Insight Home Ready for Winter

It’s hard to believe winter is right around the corner! To help you get prepared, we’ve rounded up a few of our best home winter tips, along with some tried-and-true tips from our own Insight Homes employees.

There are many second homeowners at the beach. When you’re not going to be home for months, it’s important to make sure water is off or heat set at 60 degrees to avoid freezing pipes.  We recommend the latter.  Winterize irrigation system. - Mike Kwiecien, Community Sales Manager

Trim any trees and branches hanging near your home. Snow and ice will weigh them down, and you don’t want them falling on your home.

Run your ceiling fans in reverse. Warm air that is pooled near the ceiling is circulated back into the living space—cutting your heating costs as much as 10 percent! -Brian Cummings, Offsite Sales Manager

Make sure gutters and downspouts are clear of leaves and other debris before the heavy snow and ice falls.

Service your HVAC and replace the filters in air handler and humidifier. -Jack Haese, CFO

Why buy Insight?

Our biggest recommendation is to buy Insight, because an Insight Home is more energy efficient and low maintenance than other builders. Below are some of the best parts of having an Insight Home in the winter, from those who know the product best.

Insight Homes are comfortable and and have low power bills -Brian Cummings, Offsite Sales Manager

Highly insulated, holding in the heat, yet air purification is better with outdoor exhausted vacuum.- Jack Haese, CFO

Insulation, crawl space, and structural air seals - Leon Poffenberger, Sales Assistant

Conditioned crawl space helps a lot with mechanicals running in condition space and insulation, and heat under floors is a great system. -Mike Kwiecien, Community Sales Manager

One word: Comfort - Cory Mayo, Marketing director

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